· ☕ 3 min read
Achievement Re-implement the stage system. Use command to adjust the lyric’s transformer like how storyboard did. Separate the stage from the beatmap. Planning 2-weeks december vacation. Stay at Osaka and Kyoto for few days and trying to servival. Work few days at Tokyo. Go to Comiket. Give some weird meat a try. Skiing for 5 days. Remember update the changelog. Blog Add special badge at the start of the changelog item.

· ☕ 4 min read
Achievement Go to thailand on week. Unlimitd weeds. Create project board for able to see what’s next. Adjust folder structure in the lyric editor for able to let it easier to be maintained/add more things. Improve the UI/UX in the compose lyric mode, see “Improve the preview lyric area” and “Refactor the EditableLyric in the lyric editor”. Fix the time-tag parsing issue in the LrcParser It’s a very simple project for able to read/write the .

· ☕ 3 min read
Achievement Able to save the beatmap for debug purpose. Improve recording time-tag experiance in the lyric editor Improve create/remove time-tag experiance in the lyric editor. Add the architecture test for this project. Start feeding this pet again. ARC Add the architecture test for this project. karaoke Add more strict check about test assert usage and naming. karaoke Beatmap Lyric start/end time should be nullable if there’s no time-tag with time in the lyric.

· ☕ 2 min read
Achievement Already bought lots of anime blu-ray online and seems hard to stop buying ;_; Have little bit more time on this project for refactoring. It’s able to generate the badge for disaplay the githug repo star number in the Code quality Refactor the menu item for dealing with some binding event. karaoke Rename this menu item and should not be abstract. karaoke

· ☕ 1 min read
Achievement Go to japan for two weeks. Go to aviation museum near the airport. It’s a good deal using the cheap price to play the flight simulator with expensive device. Eat some special meats that hard to get in my country, such as rabbit and raccoon. The next time might be crow i guess(?) Go to comiket. WFJ for few days. Have a new year in japan. Visit 3 ski

· ☕ 1 min read
Achievement Use cloudflare as CDN for this domain. Next step is waiting for cloudflare to accept the domain. Still busying on my job ;_; Waiting for my vacation trip. NUnit upgrade to 4.0 and have lots of breaking change ;_; Code quality Update package to the latest. karaoke

· ☕ 1 min read
Achievement Not any new progress. Busying on my job ;_; Buying damn air tickets at 11/11. Code quality Update package to the latest. karaoke

· ☕ 2 min read
Achievement Not quit the job yet to make the manager happy. Rewrite some test cases to make the proejct happy. Buy a translation pen to make me happy. Code quality Regular clean up code. karaoke Editor Let lyric editor able to drag the range of the text to create the ruby. karaoke Adjust lyric caret state brhavior for more assertion. karaoke Add StartDragging() and EndDragging() for the LyricCaretState.

· ☕ 2 min read
Achievement Get a new PR from the new contributor. Add the contributor guideline and lable to let new contributor able to know which issue is friendly to resolve. Adjust the caret state interface for let it able to support select range of the index. Code quality Regular clean up code. karaoke Editor Should be able to compare the caret position. karaoke Need to know that which of the caret position(click-down caret position or drag caret position) is in the left or right side.

· ☕ 2 min read
Achievement Trying to move the romaji text into the time-tag. Beatmap Should change the id after DeepClone() the lyric. karaoke [outdated] Use Grid instead of int as primary key. karaoke Add romaji text into time tag. karaoke Code quality [outdated] Remove all AllowNull using. karaoke [outdated] Remove all #nullable disabled annotation. karaoke Remove nullable disable annotation in the graphic namespace. karaoke Close Enable NRT by default issue because most part of class already removed nullable disable annotation.