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Code quality Update config from how lazer have. karaoke Editor Implement cursor in the lyric editor. karaoke Implement click the time-tag to move the cursor. karaoke Press space to set the current time in time-tag. karaoke Able to split lyrics in the lyric editor. karaoke Create a state manager for managing cursor position or mode in the lyric editor. karaoke Enable to delete text by mouse position. karaoke Add edit lyric step in lyric import step.

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Auto-Generator Implement auto-detect language in the lyric importer. karaoke Create time-tags generator for Chinses lyrics. karaoke Improve time-tag generator for Japanese lyrics with ruby. karaoke Beatmap Implement Ruby and Romaji tag serializer, which allows to save them with better format. karaoke Implement tome tag serializer. karaoke Implement bindable dictionary for better control bindable with dictionary format. karaoke Use culture info instead of language id in translate. karaoke Change time tag from tuples to object.

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Achievement Implement lyric importer to handle a list of steps need user to do in order. Code quality Clean-up code. karaoke Beatmap Create TimeTagsConverter to support to encode/decode time-tag with json format. karaoke Add language id in lyric object do define which laguage lyric is. karaoke Editor Implement lyric importer. Base implementation. karaoke Implement drag screen in lyric import. karaoke Add lyric editor’s step two.

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Achievement Implement singer editor. Code quality Rename from LyricLine to Lyric. karaoke Save lists of singer index instead of font index in the lyric. karaoke Editor Implement drag .lrc/.kar file to import. karaoke Create import manager. karaoke Implement style editor karaoke Style editor can switch to edit between Lyric and Note. karaoke Implement singer editor, here’s the demo video. Base implementation. karaoke Implement display lyric.

· ☕ 1 min read
Achievement Create some basic edit areas. Got a new star and pull request. karaoke Code quality Running clean-up code script. karaoke Editor Let lyric maker’s lyric draggable. karaoke Re-write translate editor. karaoke Re-write ruby/romaji editor. karaoke Skin Editor Re-write layout editor. karaoke Re-write style editor. karaoke

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Achievement \雙十節/ Become the first one to update the latest package version. Beatmap Define sub-singer. karaoke Enable to add singer in the beatmap. karaoke Enable to remove singer in the beatmap. karaoke Result Implement beatmap infos display on the result page. karaoke Implement beatmap metadata statistics on the result page. Implement not scorable graph. karaoke Implement saiten result component in the result page(haven’t been fully implemented).

· ☕ 1 min read
Beatmap Move to translate property into KraokeBeatmap. karaoke Update beatmap statistic icon. karaoke Code quality Rewrite some test cases. karaoke Remove legacy ruleset id. karaoke Editor Apply blueprint change from the official. karaoke Able to show/hide ruby, romaji, and translate in editor page. karaoke Framework Update ppy.osu.Game to 2020.925.0. karaoke Fix Fix cannot open setting dialog if not in practice mode. karaoke Result Fix cannot display the result screen.

· ☕ 1 min read
Achievement Make lazer’s setting cannot be opened, already fixed by the official. Blog Update blog’s changelog even has no time. Fix Update karaoke to the latest version and fix some crash errors. karaoke My bad, trying to track updates every two weeks.

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Achievement Practice playing osu! with air-mouse, so pause this ruleset development for about a month : P

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Achievement Fix ruleset cannot run in the release version. Reinstall my MacBook Framework Trying to let osu.framework.microphone can run on iOS device. Trying to run rulese in the release lazer version. Trying to use GLSL to render text with outline(Still not working). Gameplay Fix ruleset cannot run in release lazer version. Design microphone status under saiten playfield to tell user microphone status and now to enable microphone.